Gynecomastia surgery

Gynecomastia surgery

Gynecomastia surgery is the reduction of enlarged breast tissue in men. The surgery results in a smaller, more masculine chest.

The most common causes of enlarged mammary glands, and therefore breasts, are hormone imbalance, overweight or weight loss, use of medications (anabolic steroids), or illness. Either one or both breasts may enlarge.

Gynaecomastia surgery is relevant when:

  • Breast and/or fat tissue is overdeveloped.
  • Other, non-invasive ways cannot improve the situation.

Gynecomastia surgery is the reduction of enlarged breast tissue in men. The surgery results in a smaller, more masculine chest.

The most common causes of enlarged mammary glands, and therefore breasts, are hormone imbalance, overweight or weight loss, use of medications (anabolic steroids), or illness. Either one or both breasts may enlarge.

Gynaecomastia surgery is relevant when:

  • Breast and/or fat tissue is overdeveloped.
  • Other, non-invasive ways cannot improve the situation.

The process of gynecomastia surgery

Gynecomastia surgery is performed under general anaesthesia. It takes 1.5 hours.

The surgery can be performed in two ways, depending on the type of excess tissue. In the case of adipose tissue, the surgery involves liposuction and the use of the VaserLipo ultrasound machine. In the case of non-fatty tissue or purely fatty tissue, an incision can be made in conjunction with, or separately from, the liposuction and the removal of the excess breast gland and/or skin.

Before surgery

Before surgery, the surgeon determines whether the breast contains glandular or fat tissue. The specifics of the surgery depend on this: the excess fat is removed by liposuction, and the glandular tissue is removed by an incision under the areola.

Post-surgery period

Patients can go home the day after surgery. You should rest and not go to work for at least a few days. It is normal to feel pain, tenderness and swelling in the chest after the surgery, which should subside after a few weeks. You should wear a compression garment for about 6-8 weeks, and it is recommended that you do not exercise for the same period. Until the scars lighten, you should avoid the sun and sunbathing, and do not go to the solarium.

Surgical risk

The risk of gynecomastia surgery is not high. However, as after any other interventional procedure, it can be followed by complications such as bleeding, infection, pain, fluid accumulation, breast tenderness, asymmetry, deformity and extensive scarring. All these complications can usually be avoided by following the surgeon’s recommendations after surgery.


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